Powering Adaptation and Climate Justice: The Critical Role of Off-Grid Solar Technologies

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Published on 4 September 2023

The following paper showcases the climate impact potential of 5 off-grid solar technologies for hundreds of millions of the most climate-vulnerable people in the world, who have done the least to contribute to climate change. Solar energy kits (with communications appliances), solar irrigation, solar-powered fans, solar refrigeration units and solar-powered cold storage rooms can help build climate resilience, adapt to increasing extreme weather events, while mitigating emissions.

Written with the support of the IKEA Foundation, in partnership with Acumen, Efficiency for Access, Ashden and WWF, the paper offers insight into the transformative potential of off-grid solar solutions to enable a wide range of positive climate adaptation impacts, from powering green growth and opportunity to combatting the impacts of droughts, floods and storms.