As part of the e-waste toolkit, GOGLA curated a catalogue of e-waste service providers working in off-grid solar markets to help companies identify potential partners. We are continuously adding new service providers to the catalogue and are happy to add the details of others, especially in markets with a nascent e-waste environment. Please get in touch if you have any suggestions
GOGLA partners at GSMA CleanTech have developed an interactive tool to help companies understand the policy environment and help them set up effective e-waste management activities within specific country context. Including a significant number of off-grid markets, the map allows you to explore e-waste related policies at country and regional level, as well as latest e-waste statistics.
The global e-waste monitor publishes a periodic global report including data on the amount of e-waste generated, its value, and what proportion is effectively captured and processed.
In 2019, GOGLA hosted its first e-waste festival in Nairobi, Kenya. Bringing together more than 50 stakeholders in the industry, the festival focused on sharing ideas and learnings, and included a visit to a recycling plant.
Photography by Jeffrey Michael Walcott, Julia Gunther, current and previous GOGLA members
Photography by Jeffrey Michael Walcott, Julia Gunther, current and previous GOGLA members