With the support of its partners, GOGLA leads data collection and market intelligence initiatives which provide robust insights into the off-grid solar market. Our data spans sales volumes, industry impact, investment flows and PAYGo company performance.
GOGLA’s data helps companies, investors, governments and development partners make informed decisions in their businesses, policies and programmes. It is the most reliable source of market information available for the off-grid sector.
The GOGLA deals database captures the investment trends between 2012 – 2023.
GOGLA’s sales and impact data is the bedrock of information on the off-grid solar and energy efficient appliances sector.
The PAYGo Performance, Reporting and Measurement framework offers the PAYGo solar industry a standardized and transparent set of key performance indicators.
In 2022, the number of people lacking access increased for the first time in 20 years, to 685 million people. Released every two years, this 7th edition in the series covers 2022 and 2023, a period during which the market has shown remarkable resilience despite facing numerous global challenges.
The latest Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report (MTR) 2024, warns that a 6-fold increase over current investment levels – or $21 billion – is required to realize off-grid solar’s potential to contribute to universal energy access, or this opportunity will be missed. Under the current trajectory, 660 million people are projected to still be without electricity by 2030.
The 2024 Off Grid Solar Market Trends report is published by GOGLA and the World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP).
The PAYGo PERFORM KPIs are financial, operational and portfolio quality indicators for the pay-as-you-go (PAYGo) solar industry. Explore the PAYGO Perform Data here.
Developed by CGAP, GOGLA, and IFC Lighting Global in consultation with some 600 investors, PAYGo executives, and experts in energy and financial inclusion around the world, the PAYGo PERFORM KPIs are designed to meet the needs of companies and funders (donors and investors). All PAYGo solar companies are encouraged to adopt the KPIs and work toward making them the industry standard.
A subset of these KPIs has already been integrated by companies and reported as part of a data collection effort led by GOGLA and MFR.
The data is hosted on Atlas, the platform developed by MFR. Companies that share their PAYGo PERFORM data have access to the platform. Other stakeholders need to pay an annual subscription to access the platform.
Find Out More
If you’re interested in finding out more about the PAYGo PERFORM KPIs, you can find the Technical Guide and all other related publications here. You can also read insights from previous rounds of the PAYGo PERFORM Monitor in the Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022.
Join the PAYGo PERFORM Data Collection
If you are a distributor of PAYGo products with at least 2 years of PAYGo sales, reach out to our Market Insights and Data Manager, Oliver Reynolds at o.reynolds@gogl.org.
Supported by UKAID, the Powering Opportunities Series was a flagship research programme held between 2018-2020 to better understand the socio-economic impacts of solar home systems. The research heard from over 3,500 customers and confirmed that people with solar home systems gain more income while feeling safer and healthier.
The reports explore a compilation of the insights uncovered, as well as specific insights from different geographic regions: East Africa, West Africa and South Asia.
Photography by Jeffrey Michael Walcott, Julia Gunther, current and previous GOGLA members
Photography by Jeffrey Michael Walcott, Julia Gunther, current and previous GOGLA members