Productivity & Jobs

Productivity & Jobs

GOGLA expert

Carlos 520x375-1
Carlos Sordo
Senior Project Manager for Productive Uses of Renewable Energy (PURE)
As the association for the off-grid solar industry, GOGLA represents leading private-sector companies that have already reached hundreds of millions of people with electricity access and generated tens of thousands of jobs. Looking forward, it is indisputable that productive use technologies will be particularly critical for boosting food security, enabling rural enterprise, and realizing the global goals of broad and inclusive development.

Learn more about GOGLA's Work

By unlocking access to electricity and electricity services, off-grid solar technologies are an ‘enabler’ of several development impacts, including those linked to agriculture, enterprise, health, education, and climate.

PURE markets have limited subsidy program experience, yet play a crucial role in off-grid solar market development. The webinars in this series stimulated knowledge sharing around design & implementation of smart PURE DSS programs within the context of nascent markets.

In 2024, GOGLA collaborated with selected partners and investors to compile an extensive list of companies actively engaged in commercialising productive-use appliances serving off-grid and weak-grid customers. Explore all the information with this online tool.

Explore how the Productive Use of Renewable Energy can scaled in Ethiopia and Uganda in our Roadmaps and Market Assessments.

This Handbook arrives at a critical juncture when the world is grappling with the pressing challenges of energy poverty, climate change, food insecurity and economic inequality.

The PURE working group (GOGLA members-only) is a forum for consultation and coordination on relevant activities and outputs in the PURE sector. The group plays a crucial part in creating Industry Opinions.

Latest Articles & Publications

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13 January 25


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Putting Solar to Work: Irrigation as a Service
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Tamara Mahoney
How solar powered refrigeration is transforming local economies
by Tamara Mahoney
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Productive Use of Renewable Energy in the Agriculture Value Chain
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Screenshot 2025-01-13 173122
13 January 25


Ulrich Reinecker
Putting Solar to Work: Irrigation as a Service
by Ulrich Reinecker
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How solar powered refrigeration is transforming local economies
by Tamara Mahoney
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