Resilience & Adaptation

Powering Adaptation & Climate Justice:

The Critical Role of Off-Grid Solar Technologies

GOGLA has developed research programme to explore the resilience and adaptation benefits of off-grid solar technologies, including:

  • Solar energy kits (with communications appliances),
  • Solar irrigation,
  • Solar-powered fans,
  • Solar refrigeration units, and
  • Solar-powered cold storage rooms.

The goal is to better profile the impact of off-grid solar to climate aligned investors, development partners, funders, and policymakers.
The first output from this workstream is the Paper: Powering Climate Adaptation and Justice (September 2023).
Two further activities are under development:

  • A Resilience and Adaptation Framework that can provide a sector-wide resource to measure and monitor the impact of off-grid solar (due March 2025), and
  • A data-driven Climate Resilience Paper (due March 2025).

GOGLA also leads the Solar4Adapation Advocacy Campaign, and hosts a Climate and Impact Working Group for its Members.

Powering Adaptation & Climate Justice

Written with the support of the IKEA Foundation, in partnership with Acumen, Efficiency for Access, Ashden and the World Wildlife Fund, this paper offers insight into the transformative potential of off-grid solar solutions to enable a wide range of positive climate adaptation impacts, from powering green growth and opportunity to combatting the impacts of droughts, floods and storms.