Consumer Protection Code

Consumer Protection Code

GOGLA expert

Rebecca 520x375_1
Rebecca Rhodes
Senior Program & Strategy Manager

GOGLA leads the implementation of the Consumer Protection Code (CPC) to help safeguard positive industry impact and respect the rights of consumers. We believe that widespread industry action on consumer protection mitigates sector risks and accelerates sustainable market growth. The code outlines the minimum standard that off-grid solar consumers should expect from their provider and includes a comprehensive assessment framework.

Deep Dive

GOGLA and partners have launched the Consumer Experience Initiative (CXI) to bring about a step change in industry performance and impact.

GOGLA leads the implementation of the Consumer Protection Code to help safeguard positive industry impact and respect the rights of consumers.

Find out which companies and institutions have adopted the Consumer Protection Code by making a Commitment or an Endorsement. Discover how your organization can commit or endorse the code.

The Consumer Protection Toolbox contains information, guidance and templates to help companies and their investors improve operations and elevate consumer protection standards.

The Connect initiative is defining a family of universal connectors and device-to-device firmware standards for enhanced interoperability of 12V SHS Kit and Appliance.

Introduction to the consumer protection code

The GOGLA Consumer Protection Code has been supported by British International Investment, FMO and DOEN Foundation and developed in partnership with companies and investors who demonstrate a strong commitment to responsible business practises.

Good consumer protection is not only essential to successful off-grid solar businesses but is a moral obligation for responsible organisations. The Consumer Protection Code establishes the de facto industry standard for consumer protection that adds value to off-grid solar companies, investors and other stakeholders. The Code consists of a set of principles and an assessment framework to enable companies to measure, prove and improve their practices and provide investors and other stakeholders with a framework to promote good practice.

Review the Principles and Assessment Framework

GOGLA Industry Opinion on Consumer Protection

The most important and powerful tool of any industry association is the expression of an official Industry Opinion. The Industry Opinion on consumer protection states that it is essential to ensure that growth objectives remain fully aligned with consumer interests to retain the full confidence of consumers, investors, governments and other stakeholders. GOGLA and its members are therefore committed to consumer protection and recommend that companies act upon their commitment, supporting industry-wide action so that the sector can accelerate responsible, sustained growth.

Call to Action

Consumer Protection Indicators improving performance against the CP Principles requires regular measurement and monitoring. The Indicators measure each of the six Principles, plus overarching governance and management performance.

The Self-Assessment Tool helps companies easily assess their performance against the Indicators and monitor improvements. The results can also be used to facilitate a dialogue between companies and investors by providing quantitative data and evidence of performance in a standardised format.

The process to define the Indicators was led by GOGLA’s Consumer Protection Working Group and included several consultation rounds, trial self-assessments with several companies, and focus groups discussions with consumers. This group is responsible for maintaining the standards and will make periodic additions and revisions.

Principles of the Consumer Protection Code

The six Consumer Protection Principles set the minimum standards of practice, and are the foundation of the CP Code. The principles have been defined by GOGLA’s Consumer Protection Working Group (updated in 2024 to the Consumer Experience working group), with contributions from companies, investors and other stakeholders, and represent the minimum standards of practice consumers should expect from an off-grid solar company.

  • The company shares clear and sufficient information on the product, service, payment plan and personal data privacy practices to enable consumers to make informed decisions.
  • The company shares relevant and timely information before, during and after sales.
  • The company communicates in a language and manner consumers can understand.
  • The company takes adequate care to ensure consumers can afford to pay for the product and / or service without becoming overburdened.
  • The company ensures consumers’ characteristics are taken into account in the price, payment structure and fees of the product and / or service.
  • The company ensures availability of technical and after-sales service support, including warranty and post-warranty service for a reasonable period of time.
    An accessible, effective and timely mechanism for complaints and problem resolution is in place.
  • The company instructs consumers on proper use and care, and any health and safety risks, related to the product usage or disposal.
  • The company considers measures to enable continued operability of the product in the event of the failure of the company.
  • The company ensures the product / system is appropriate, good quality, safe and performs as advertised.
  • The company ensures the user interface / payment platform is appropriate for consumers.
  • The company takes reasonable measures to ensure product longevity (including ease of operation and maintenance, repairability and durability).
  • The company applies good practices and comply with relevant laws and regulations governing consumer data privacy.
  • The company only collects, use, retain and share personal information that is necessary for the stated consumer service and legitimate interests of the business.
  • The company ensures consumer data is kept secure and confidential.
  • The company ensures fair and respectful treatment of current and prospective consumers, with adequate safeguards in place against corruption and abusive treatment.
  • The company promotes inclusive practices and do not discriminate, for example, by gender, religion or ethnicity.
  • The company seeks consumers’ views and feedback on the design and delivery of the product, service and payment plan.

Consumer Protection Indicators

GOGLA encourages off-grid solar companies to make a Commitment to the CP Code. This signifies that the off-grid solar provider strives to achieve the minimum standards set out by the Consumer Protection Principles in its treatment of consumers, and uses the defined CP Indicators to measure and monitor performance across daily operations.

GOGLA encourages investors and other stakeholders to make an Endorsement of the CP Code. This signifies that the organisation aligns internal practices with the Consumer Protection Principles and / or supports off-grid solar providers to fulfill the minimum standards of practice in their treatment of customers.

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